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Speed up sending request to ksysguardd

Jiří Paleček requested to merge jpalecek/libksysguard:sensoragent into master

This is an old revision that got accepted, but only committed on the 5.17 branch, not to master. The rest is still relevant.

Summary: While investigating bug 407526, I discovered that most of the time is spent in SensorAgent::sendRequest. This is because it searches the whole queue lineraly, which could take a lot of time if there's a lot of requests. This patch speeds it up by using a QSet of outstanding requests, obviating the need to search the queues.

Part of {T11473}

Reviewers: #plasma, davidedmundson

Reviewed By: #plasma, davidedmundson

Subscribers: plasma-devel

Tags: #plasma

Differential Revision:

Merge request reports