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Highlight: change hover: property to hovered:

Nate Graham requested to merge ngraham/plasma-framework:hover-to-hovered into master

The PlasmaComponents2 version of this item had a property named hovered:. When a PlasmaExtras version was made, the property name was changed to hover:, which is arguably a worse name since it no longer communicates that it's a state that you might need to set manually.

Changing the name also prevents 1:1 ports since you'll have to know the difference and can easily forget it. This happened once already in

The component hasn't been released yet, so it's not too late to change the property name. Let's do it now.

If this MR is accepted, I will push commits to fix all implementations of the component to use the new property.

cc @carlschwan @iasensio @mart

Merge request reports