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Add new symlinks for new actions

@iasensio Here I'm adding a few more sounds I forgot in the last merge request. Since we will have those in the new theme, it's good to add them here as well. The only one I didn't add was audio-volume-change because none of the Oxygen sounds seem to fit well. Besides, when there's no sound in a theme, the spec says it's supposed to fall back to the freedesktop provided one, which is what is used in Plasma currently anyway.

Oxygen-Sys-Warning.ogg > battery-caution


Oxygen-Sys-App-Error-Critical.ogg > battery-low


Oxygen-Im-Contact-Out > bell-window-system


Oxygen-K3B-Insert-Medium > device-added


Oxygen-Im-New-Mail > device-removed


Edited by Guilherme Marçal Silva

Merge request reports