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  • Aleix Pol Gonzalez's avatar
    Figure out software center integration on the menus · 27d71ef5
    Aleix Pol Gonzalez authored
    So far we had a (commented out) entry that was called `Remove <application
    package>` that would open the configured application.
    * Instead of looking up the service files in PackageKit, it does so on
    AppStream, allowing for a faster and sync approach.
    * Renames the action to `Open <application name>`.
    * Uses `appstream://` URI scheme, allowing for the system to decide which
    application handles it rather than an awkward configuration entry.
    * Drops PackageKit-Qt opcional dependency, adds a required AppstreamQt
    dependency instead.
    This also means that applications coming from other sources than the
    packaging system (i.e. Snappy, Flatpak or AppImage) would also be supported,
    as long as it's supported by the software center.
    REVIEW: 129697