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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Revert "Use onEntered in KickoffItemDelegate" · 3c87dc68
    Nate Graham authored
    This reverts commit 8042ae81.
    This change slightly improved performance, but subtle implementation
    differences between the onEntered: and onPositionChanged: handlers in
    MouseArea triggered two subtle and annoying bugs that users have
    reported a bunch of duplicates of.
    A way to fix the bugs using onEntered has not been found, so let's revert
    the change for now; slightly worse performance is a less severe issue then
    these bugs are.
    BUG: 454349
    BUG: 455674
    BUG: 456993
    FIXED-IN: 5.25.5
    (cherry picked from commit cfb520e3)