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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    [containments/panel] Fix panel applet configuration with touch · 78bd7883
    Nate Graham authored
    Despite this UI seeming very touch-centric, it was actually totally
    boken for the touch use due to the use of mouse-specific code, namely
    setting the current applet only when the mouse moved and also hiding the
    tooltip when the mouse edited the area--neither of which are compatible
    with authentic touch events when handled by a mouse area, because the
    synthesized mouse position exits the mousearea as soon as the finger
    used to touch the screen is retracted.
    This is fixed by setting the current applet when clicked/touched as
    well, and removing the onExited signal handler to hide the tooltip,
    which was unnecessary anyway because the tooltip gets hidden by other
    things and this still works.
    Now touch interaction with panel applets while in panel edit mode
    works as expected.
    BUG: 439918
    FIXED-IN: 5.22.5
    (cherry picked from commit 97add87b)