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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    [Task Manager] Don't show redundant "Actions" header in context menu with nothing but actions in it · f235bdd8
    Nate Graham authored
    Previously, the {nav Actions} header was always shown, even when the context menu
    consisted of nothing but actions. This is unnecessary since a menu's normal state is
    to show nothing but actions.
    With this patch, the {nav Actions} header is only shown for context menus that have
    more than one section.
    Test Plan:
    Context menu with only actions: {F6795048}
    Context menu with nore than just actions: {F6795049}
    Reviewers: broulik, #plasma, hein
    Reviewed By: #plasma, hein
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: