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Read correct margings from panel south- north- east- west- svgs

Niccolò Venerandi requested to merge work/niccolove/fixfluffybunny into master

I investigated a bit I found one regression about the fluffy bunny themes; this is because they have the north- south- east- west- versions of the panel svgs, and I (my bad) broke margin reading in those scenarios. This fixes that:


This MR does not solve two other visual annoyances with the fluffy bunny theme. Firsty, it does not address the fact that the task manager touches the panel borders:


However, that's something that we rely upon for Breeze, and that third party themes rely on too (because there's always top border that's as big as the rounded corners margin, and we still want the TM to touch the top border of the panel). For this reason, I'd mark this as INTENDED.

Secondly, if you make the panel very small, the applets will still have to be drawn on the border:


Again, not much I can do here. I could make the minimum size of the panels bigger, but that would break themes with large rounded corners. So this is INTENDED too as far as I'm concerned.


Merge request reports