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Some applet sizing fixes

Taro Tanaka requested to merge eatsu/plasma-desktop:applet-sizing-fixes into master

This MR fixes some applet sizing regressions that were recently occurred.

Before After
image image
image image

Note that this MR does not contain the red borders. If you want to show them for debug please manually add this code to the applet container:

                Rectangle {
                    border.color: "red"
                    border.width: 1
                    color: "transparent"

                    anchors {
                        fill: parent
                        topMargin: -parent.Layout.topMargin
                        bottomMargin: -parent.Layout.bottomMargin
                        leftMargin: -parent.Layout.leftMargin
                        rightMargin: -parent.Layout.rightMargin

CC @niccolove

Edited by Taro Tanaka

Merge request reports