Add KRunner store
This depends on:
frameworks/knewstuff!4 (merged)
frameworks/kcmutils!7 (merged)
frameworks/kcmutils!7 (merged)
frameworks/knewstuff!25 (merged)
frameworks/knewstuff!26 (merged)
frameworks/knewstuff!36 (merged), to try this special case out install the krunner-keepassxc
The installer is inspired by the dolphin one but does some things differently/better:
- We don't need to extract the archives manually KNS can take care of this
- Just use scripts that start with install or uninstall, we don't need to check all subfolders for a bunch of predefined script names.
- Also we don't use a bunch of different command line options, for instance in the dolphin variant we would try to run the installer with the --deinstall option if we have found no uninstall script. Enforcing the install/uninstall prefixes to the scripts makes it more consistent.
Also there are confirmation dialogs for both the packagekit and script installations implemented. This makes the user aware of the security risks and easily allows them to view the script/code.
For RPM packages on OpenSUSE zypper is used instead of packagekit. This will allow the user to confirm the installation if there are issues with the signature, otherwise it would always fail with a cryptic error message.
- Notify some maintainers of the KDE store to update their packages with the scripts
✅ - Create create some pull requests for popular plugins.
✅ -
- The krunner-pass plugin author does not seem to be active, I have created a fork which works with the KDE store
- Also update my own plugins ;-)
- Update the KRunner template to make sure it works on the KDE store out of the box
✅ - Also add a python template to KRunner to help new dev get started