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applets/kickoff: Use list for favorites view by default

Kickoff currently uses a grid view for its Favorites view, which is very touch-friendly, but suffers from the problem that apps' descriptions are not shown. This can exacerbate the "Gwenview? What's a Gwenview?" effect whereby new users can have trouble figuring out the purpose of apps with brand names rather than generic names. The list view does not suffer from this problem as it does display apps' descriptions to help people figure out what apps are used for.

Accordingly, this commit changes the favorites view to show a list by default, rather than a grid.

I know I was the person who originally suggested a grid, but in retrospect I think I was wrong, and I'd like to correct that mistake.

Before After
Screenshot_20211117_093809 Screenshot_20211117_093246

cc @teams/vdg @teams/usability

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