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[mobileshell]: allow scaling status bar

Sebastian Kügler requested to merge work/sebas/scalestatusbar into master

This change allows scaling of the statusbar (the top panel).

As we have to accommodate for a wide variety of devices with different physical pixel sizes, we need a way to scale the top panel / status bar. This change introduces a config value (in plasmamobilerc, such as other shell settings) that controls this size.

For example (plasmamobilerc):

[General] statusBarScaleFactor=1.5

MR also contains config UI in kcm mobileshell.

\Updated in latest iteration:

  • rounded text pixel sizes
  • rounded status bar size to even values to aid in alignment and vertical spacing
  • lockscreen also uses scaled value
  • removed smallest value in kcm, this produces a panel so small that alignment can get messed up: don't provide an option that makes us look bad, and the panel is quite small, anyway

Normal (1.0): mr-scale-normal

Small (0.75) (removed in latest iteration): mr-scale-small

Large (1.5): mr-scale-large.png

Very large (2.0): mr-scale-verylarge


Edited by Sebastian Kügler

Merge request reports
