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  • David Edmundson's avatar
    egister Secret Agent on startup · 169d398b
    David Edmundson authored
    Plasma NM's KDED is loaded on boot, but effectively does nothing until
    the relevant plasmoid triggers the KDED.
    This makes some sense for notifications and monitors, as it allows a
    user to opt of a UI plasma network manager experience.
    However, we want the secret agent as early in the boot as possible.
    If a user is running NM, they definitely want this component active, and
    if NM isn't running then registering the agent will no-op anyway.
    DBus logs show that with this patch, I am retrieving my password and
    a full 1500ms before org.kde.plasmanetworkmanagement.init is called and
    my initial wifi
    connected 3s faster than before this patch.
    We could potentially move this kded to phase 0 and get us even earlier.
    Test Plan:
    Had a wifi with security set to "Store password for this user only"
    Added dbus-monitor into my startup scripts
    Logged in, wifi connected, logs showed a difference
    Reviewers: #plasma, jgrulich!
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: