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Usability / Ease of use Updates

Serra McCall requested to merge serrapi/plasma-nm:master into master

Updated UI elements to allow easy copying of relevant data.

-> Data elements highlight and show a copy button on hover, so things like network addresses can me copied more easily

-> Copy All Button, -Copies all data for the selected network connection

-> Updated Controls to use HoverHandler, and be more touch-compatible in general.

ScreenShots Below

Screenshot_20230225_220253 Screenshot_20230225_220608

Screenshot_20230225_220325 Screenshot_20230225_220625

Screenshot_20230225_220430 Screenshot_20230225_220636

Screenshot_20230225_220727 Screenshot_20230225_220700

Screenshot_20230225_223540 Screenshot_20230225_223616

Edited by Serra McCall

Merge request reports
