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  • Harald Sitter's avatar
    don't crash when the server doesn't respond · 89d33990
    Harald Sitter authored
    inside libpulse a non-reply (e.g. caused by a timeout) results in info
    being a nullptr. when that happens simply skip over the callback. when
    this happens chances are the server crashed or is otherwise defunct so
    we won't be able to do much about this anyway
    easy to test by attaching to both plasmashell and pulseaudio and
    interrupting the latter when the former calls
    pa_context_get_server_info. this results in the reply timeout getting
    hit -> nullptr callback.
    it is unclear if we can somehow recover from this but in lieu of a
    reliable real world test case for this we at least shouldn't crash on
    nullptr access.
    BUG: 454647
    BUG: 437272
    (cherry picked from commit e87f2b13)