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  • David Redondo's avatar
    ApplicationsTable: Remove unneeded ProcessSortFilterModel · 50f63781
    David Redondo authored
    ProcessSortFilterModel handles filtering pids and to which user a process
    belongs over a normal QSortFilterProxyModel. In doing so it also
    sets the filterKeyColumn to nameColumn in findColumns(). Note that the name
    of the name columns of the process and application table is different
    ("name" and "appName"), so the filterKeyColumn is also set by ApplicationTableView.
    However this is racey depending on when the binding is evaluated.
    Since we don't need the extra features of the ProcessSortFilterModel we can use
    the existing SortFilterProxyModel in charge of filtering columns (something that
    the ProcessSortFilterModel also did) to also handle the row filtering.
    (cherry picked from commit a96bc99a)