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Add a new Accessibility page, enabling the screen reader option up front

Joshua Goins requested to merge work/redstrate/accessibility-page into master

Blind or otherwise impaired users shouldn't be unable to configure their system without help. And they shouldn't be expected to dig around in System Settings to find the Screen Reader option either, so make it obvious as a new page in the wizard.

Keep in mind that I'm not expecting to shove any more accessibility options on the page right now. Other commonly used options (sticky keys?) can be added later, as desired. I want to keep it simple for now.

Normal Orca is missing
Screenshot_22_121429 Screenshot_22_120959

Right now there isn't much in the way of error handling, like in the Accessibility KCM. This can change in the future (reusing the existing label we have) but I don't want to overdesign a system that shouldn't ever happen. It would be really embarassing for someone to use KDE, and not have access to a screen reader on start up. To that end, I also added Orca to the Packaging Guidelines already and the Fedora KDE people even picked up on it and will start shipping it (and hopefully, other distros will follow suit).

Also when toggling the screen reader option, make sure that you have plasma-desktop!1736 (merged) in your build of kaccess or you'll run into the bug of Orca never turning off.

Merge request reports