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Draft: Overhaul Update page & consistent donation card

Oliver Beard requested to merge work/olib/update-preview into master

Requires !185

Add dynamic release announcement preview to update page

The announcement title/description are loaded in the background, and displayed on the page. The content will be automatically requested when not on a metered network, and can be retried in the event of a network error.

  • This includes animations for when the content is loaded in, and between different states. humanMoment is used to delay the display of the loading progress (which should be instantaneous for such a small GET request) and to delay retry on failure in order to provide feedback (as again, the request will likely fail instantly).
Enjoy/Update: Use new common card for contributions & unified text
  • This makes things more consistent and uses our improved text for the Enjoy page that was not duplicated on the release update page.
FooterUpdate: Shorten switch label to avoid footer overflow
  • The current string will cause the footer to overflow at the minimum window width, so has been shortened.
Comparison & Video
Enjoy Update
Before image image
After image.png image.png


Edited by Oliver Beard

Merge request reports
