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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Lock/login themes: stop adjusting shadows based on color scheme · 146ef22f
    Nate Graham authored
    Right now we change the intensity of shadows based on the color scheme's
    text color, but with a property called "lightBackground". This indicates
    that we wanted to do it based on the background color itself, but did
    not or could not, so settled on using the text color as a proxy. However
    this is wrong; there is no relationship between the active color
    scheme's text color and the color of the background image.
    Even if we could or did fix that, it would probably still be wrong,
    because using lighter shadows on a genuinely light background would
    result in worse contrast and readability, especially if the light
    background was very visually busy.
    For these reasons, in most other places, we have since settled on the
    mantra of "shadows should be black", and this commit makes the lock and
    login screens follow that convention as well.
    BUG: 449985
    FIXED-IN: 5.24.2