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  • Krešimir Čohar's avatar
    [sddm-theme/lock screen] Tighten clock and username shadows · 2286c89b
    Krešimir Čohar authored
    This patch tightens the shadows around the clock in the Breeze SDDM theme and lock screen so as to prevent the appearance of a diffuse dark glare that appears around the clock on top of very bright backgrounds.
    In addition, it tightens the username/prompt shadows to match the shadows used in desktopcontainment.
    Test Plan:
    Username shadows, before:
    and after:
    (the new shadows take after the ones in desktopcontainment)
    Before (white background):
    After (white background):
    Before (Next):
    After (Next):
    Reviewers: #vdg, ngraham, filipf, mart
    Reviewed By: #vdg, ngraham, filipf, mart
    Subscribers: mart, plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Maniphest Tasks: T10325
    Differential Revision: