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  • Eike Hein's avatar
    Revamp Wayland application identification; align Wayland and X11 models · 273631af
    Eike Hein authored
    This adds support for app ids which are absolute paths to .desktop
    files to WaylandTasksModel, matching the heuristic in XWindowsTasksModel.
    Behavior between the two models is made more similar in various ways,
    such as matching codepaths for generating the ids inserted into the
    KActivities database in requestNewInstance/requestOpenUrls (also the
    X11 model was missing the notifyAccessed calls) and producing launcher
    Icons are still left to KWin however, instead of reading them from
    KService (which is what KWin does in any case on Wayland) or from the
    .desktop file. The latter might make sense, but to avoid duplicated
    code would then best be done in KWin.
    Reviewers: #plasma, graesslin, broulik
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: