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  • Eike Hein's avatar
    Introduce a HasLauncher data role. · 3546de22
    Eike Hein authored
    This is implemented by TasksModel and allows clients to reliably
    query whether a row has an associated launcher. Useful for things
    like Pin/Unpin action state or layout decisions.
    Previously clients would have to reimplement something like
    TaskTools::appsMatch on top of the model, which we absolutely do
    not want to do - there should only be one copy of the app matching
    logic for consistency's sake. In practice clients would do things
    like fetch LauncherUrl and run it by launcherPosition(), which
    omits appsMatch's AppId comparision, as an example of such unwated
    drift. This approach also avoids the large performance overhead
    The role is not implemented by the single-type or munging tasks
    models as it has no use there.
    Reviewers: #plasma, davidedmundson
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: