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  • Stefan Brüns's avatar
    Drop X11 core fonts code from startkde/startplasma · 53745132
    Stefan Brüns authored
    Qt and GTK based applications have switched to using fontconfig for fonts
    exclusively, so this code is mostly unused.
    As for the remaining legacy X11 applications:
    - mkfontdir only supports bitmap (e.g. PCF, BDF) fonts. For e.g.
      truetype fonts, a mkfontscale call would be required. Lack of complaints
      hints this is not used at all.
    - the system dirs (sys_odir, sys_fdir) use KDEDIR(S), which is deprecated.
      The dirs do not exist, thus the fontpath is unchanged.
    - system dirs are typically allready included in the XServer font path
    TLDR: (scalable) fonts in user dirs are not picked up due to missing
    mkfontscale calls, and system dirs are already included.
    This removes the dependency on xset and mkfontdir. The latter is important,
    as e.g. on openSUSE the availability of mkfontdir triggers costly, extra
    setup steps for X Core fonts on package installation.
    Reviewers: #plasma, fvogt, davidedmundson
    Reviewed By: #plasma, davidedmundson
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: