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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    [Digital Clock] Replace 12/24hr tri-state checkbox in config UI with combobox · 74f0f259
    Nate Graham authored
    The use of a tri-state checkbox for the three possible states (12hr, 24hr, use locale
    default) is not ideal because it violates the convention regarding what tri-state
    checkboxes are used for: nested lists where some sub-items can be unselected.
    This patch replaces it with a combobox that clearly indicates all three states.
    While we're at it, we add a button to open the Formats KCM in case people want to change their region.
    BUG: 402487
    FIXED-IN: 5.16.0
    Test Plan:
    Tested functionality with `en_US` locale. Check out the clock in the bottom-right corner of
    the following screenshots:
    Default state: "Use Region Defaults": {F6645570}
    Force 12 hour time: {F6645573}
    Force 24-hour time: {F6645574}
    Reviewers: #plasma, Zren, #vdg, davidedmundson, ndavis
    Reviewed By: #plasma, #vdg, davidedmundson, ndavis
    Subscribers: cfeck, totte, ndavis, abetts, plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: