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  • David Edmundson's avatar
    Set a default font DPI if not set · 7cfdd9a5
    David Edmundson authored
    Currently X and Xwayland (unless set otherwise) defaults to a DPI of 96.
    GTK on wayland (unless set otherwise) defaults to a DPI of 96.
    Qt (currently) defaults to physical size/resolution. This leads to
    reports that Wayland looks big.
    Qt is potentially also changing to 96 for > Qt5.10.
    (it's in review at the time of writing)
    Now kwin has proper scaling support, legacy apps get scaled by the
    compositor without font hacks, and apps that scale themselves need a
    non-scaled font DPI. (i.e a 4k screen at 2x still wants a DPI of 96 not
    We want to change the wayland scale factor not the font.
    If a user does override this setting that override will still work.
    BUG: 374978
    Test Plan:
    don't have this setting explcitly set
    dolphin --platform wayland and dolphin --platform xcb have everything
    the same size. Even on a scaled display where one is scaled up by the
    compositor and one is native.
    Reviewers: #plasma, mart
    Reviewed By: #plasma, mart
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: