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  • David Edmundson's avatar
    [runners/recentdocuments] disable executables or .desktop files · 97bf7d77
    David Edmundson authored
    It's possible to have a .desktop file in your recent documents list as
    you were editing it. Either as a .desktop file or masquerading as
    something else.
    By default we would process the .desktop file like a .desktop file.
    You do get a prompt if the .desktop file is not executable like in
    Given we know from context that we're showing recent "Documents" we may
    as well turn that behaviour off without risk of ill effects.
    BUG: 419310
    Test Plan:
    Created .desktop file (masquerading as something else)
    Had it in my recent documents after opening in another format
    Loaded the file from krunner. It now opened in my text editor instead of running
    the Exec line
    Reviewers: #plasma, ngraham
    Reviewed By: ngraham
    Subscribers: ngraham, plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: