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  • Kai Uwe Broulik's avatar
    [Task Manager] Remove strict URL handling · bb573b83
    Kai Uwe Broulik authored
    The code tried hard to ignore garbage URLs, as Qt is quite lenient, e.g. QUrl("Garbage Url") is still valid.
    There is no way to change the strictness of a QUrl after creation,
    so the code would enforce it by doing QUrl strictUrl(inputUrl.toString(), QUrl::StrictMode).
    However, toString() defaults to PrettyDecoded which avoids percent-encoding and keeps spaces
    in tact which is not a valid thing to have in a strict URL.
    Effectively, we want to ensure a URL is either a valid path to a local file,
    or one of the special applications (for menu ids), or preferred for preferred applications, like web browser,
    BUG: 385727
    FIXED-IN: 5.18.0
    Differential Revision: