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  • Kai Uwe Broulik's avatar
    [Image Wallpaper] Simplify width/height management · f6ce9149
    Kai Uwe Broulik authored
    Directly expose "targetSize" as property. The wallpaper is already initialized with
    the correct size for some time now but the fact that we had two properties width and height
    in there had it still do unneccessary work when it emitted "sizeChanged(2560, 0)" and
    then the final "sizeChanged(2560, 1440)" afterwards.
    Also, I didn't really see a point in storing the wallpaper size in its config,
    it's overwritten by the wallpaper anyway and only used in the wallpaper config dialog
    for the aspect ratio. We can just ask the view directly then.
    BUG: 374689
    FIXED-IN: 5.9.0
    Differential Revision: