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  • Akseli Lahtinen's avatar
    kcmregionandlang.cpp: Clear baseLocaleMap strings from ".UTF-8" and similar text · 5e2c176a
    Akseli Lahtinen authored
    When constructing the baseLocaleMap, we also have the
    .UTF-8 after the glibcLocale in the map.
    Later in "fullMatch" iterator this breaks the matching,
    since we're comparing for example "en_GB" to "en_GB.UTF-8".
    They're both the same thing, but since the strings do not match,
    we do not get the exact values and end up doing a lot of extra
    work to match the locale to closest possible one with heuristics,
    even though we have exact match already.
    Removing the .UTF-8 and other similar parts from the prefixedLocales
    list fixes the issue and allows full matching.
    FIXED-IN: 6.2.0