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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Simplify logout greeter UI when invoked with a specific option · aeafc009
    Nate Graham authored
    Right now the logout greeter always shows all available power/session
    actions (except for Lock, for some reason) regardless of how it was
    invoked, plus a cancel button and an OK button.
    As a result, though it is essentially a confirmation screen, it offers the
    user options to change their mind after the fact and perform a different
    action from the one they started with, including those like Sleep and
    Hibernate that don't exit the session at all.
    This isn't ideal as it presents a somewhat strange and cluttered UI to
    the user, full of options that are unlikely to be used.
    To improve the situation, when the dialog is invoked with a specific
    option, now we only show that option plus a cancel button.
    When the dialog is *not* invoked with any option, (e.g. from the
    off-by-default "Leave" item in the desktop context menu, or the
    Ctrl+Alt+Delete global shortcut), all options are still shown, with
    "Shut Down" pre-selected--as was the prior intentio...