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  • David Edmundson's avatar
    startkde: Close systemd session when startplasma exits · 0ff2e9a7
    David Edmundson authored
    Startplasma is the session leader managed by the display manager.
    Anything started by systemd
    On logout or shutdown we correctly stop the graphical-session target and
    then startplasma quits.
    If SDDM is restarted or startplasma explodes the order happens in
    reverse. startpasma quits, but we also need our units to close.
    Otherwise we end up in a situation where we're at the login manager but
    with all our background services continuing to run.
    Given startplasma starts the plasma-workspace target it's on to make
    sure this target gets stopped. This starts a small service that exits if
    startplasma quits, the plasma-workspace serivce is bound to this and
    will teardown if this exits.
    This seems a convoluted approach, but it's based on the approach that
    Gnome uses called gnome-session-monitor.