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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    startplasma-wayland: Don't set GDK_SCALE and GDK_DPI_SCALE · 63de3d6f
    Nate Graham authored
    We did this to work around a bug whereby envars would be inappropriately
    propagated when going from X11 to Wayland, causing GTK apps to be scaled
    to too large a size
    However this no longer appears to be an issue with any of the GTK apps I
    tested (Blanket, Bustle, Cheese, Chromium, Firefox, Gedit, GIMP, GNOME
    Sudoku, Inkscape, Peek, Video Downloader), and keeping it causes a bug
    whereby non-GTK XWayland apps that perhaps inappropriately look at
    these envars to determine their scale are scaled too small.
    This hack has outlived its usefulness; let's kill it.
    BUG: 443215
    FIXED-IN: 5.26.3