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SystemDialog: improve design and make it more KDE-like

This makes it use a more KDE-ish style so that it fits in with the rest of the system a bit better. The Purpose framework uses a very similar style.

In case folks are not familiar with the design, the dialog component being changed here only affects the general layout of the dialog. The inner content element is provided by various implementations in the repo. So we need to make the generic dialog here able to look okay with any content layout. If any particular content layouts look ugly (e.g. the Accounts dialog) that needs to be fixed in, not here.

cc @teams/vdg @apol

Before After
Screen chooser dialog, one monitor only Single_monitor__before Single_monitor__after
Screen chooser dialog, windows Multiwindow__Before Multiwindow__after
Screen chooser dialog, everything Everything__before Everything__after
Account dialog (ugly, needs to be fixed elsewhere Accounts__before Accounts__after

Merge request reports