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Notifications: Don't use place for paths under root

This avoids showing paths like /tmp/somefile as "500 GiB Internal Hard Drive/tmp/somefile", or "Root/tmp/somefile". It's more sensible to show the actual path in this case.

E.g. I have "Root" hidden in my Places, so it would instead fall back to the drive under places. Normally it probably shows "Root", but imho it's still better to show the "raw" path in this case.

Path Old New
/ 500 GiB Hard Drive 500 GiB Hard Drive
/foo 500 GiB Hard Drive/foo /foo
/foo/bar 500 GiB Hard Drive/foo/bar /foo/bar
/home/user Home Home (unchanged)
/home/user/foo/bar Home/foo/bar Home/foo/bar (unchanged)


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