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System Tray: Consider Media Player and Notifications applets SystemServices

Right now these are marked as ApplicationStatus, which means they appear in the System Tray in the same logical group as app icons from the likes of Steam, Discord, Telegram etc. This is sort of weird since those icons are app status notifiers (SNIs) and focus an app when clicked, while the Media Player and Notifications applets are applets that show a popup when clicked. We have gotten a few user complaints about it feeling weird to have them interspersed.

And the Media Player and Notifications applets do show application status, but they don't show status for a single application, which makes them more like system services. And in fact, they are system services--just system services that get their content from applications. So moving them to the System Services category isn't semantically incorrect. Let's do it to improve the grouping here.

Before (SNIs + Notifications + MediaPlayer) After (only SNIs)
Before After

CCBUG: 362077

@teams/vdg @teams/usability @broulik

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