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lookandfeel: Fix Logout actions

ivan tkachenko requested to merge work/ratijas/logout-actions into master

JavaScript doesn't work that way: functions are only bound to a left-hand-side object when immediately invoked via parenthesis, so the previous code complained about wrong this object being bound to a QML method at runtime. To fix this, store a closure in currentAction instead of an unbound method. Conversely, when calling a stored function an extra pair of parenthesis should be preferred which resets the execution context, to indicate that is not an instance method; though not strictly required because:

arrow functions establish this based on the scope the arrow function is defined within, and the this value does not change based on how the function is invoked.


Aside from that JS technicality, let's port LogoutButton away from having an action property at all, since they already do have a signal called clicked().

Merge request reports