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waylandtasksmodel: Fix transient filtering when parent is destroyed

Kai Uwe Broulik requested to merge work/kbroulik/tm-properly-lose-parent into master

waylandtasksmodel: Signal window being destroyed

It's guarded by a QPointer but we still need to emit the change signal when it's destroyed.

waylandtasksmodel: Delete window after signalling rows removed

"Take" it from the vector but only destroy it after the model has done its thing. Deleting the item will trigger QObject::destroyed handlers which might add/remove items from the model whilst we're removing rows ourselves.

I would have assumed the “unmapped” connection to be sufficient but I believe I get a set_parent_window and a destruction and then the change signal isn’t emitted because in setParentWindow(null) the QPointer is already nullptr, i.e. no change.

Tries to fix closing the KCM while the KAuth prompt is shown. Still doesn’t fully work, most of the time the window shows up but sometimes it doesn”t … also feels dirty.

Merge request reports