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dataengines/weather: Implement Warnings for NOAA provider

Ismael Asensio requested to merge work/iasensio/weather-noaa-alerts into master

Along with our German and Canadian users, we also want our US folks to take care and stay safe 😃

The NOAA service issues alerts for the US region, via the CAPv1.2 JSON API:

The alerts are filtered by county because it includes all the events. Using the forecast zone would miss some of them, and the lat/lon point corresponds to the weather station, not necessarily the user location.

BUG: 370226

  • First commit refactors some methods to reduce the boilerplate for every API request, to make new API calls a bit easier, specially when combining XML and JSON APIs.
  • Examples depend on kdeplasma-addons!522 (merged) for the visuals
Full with several alerts On the systray
noaa-alerts-full noaa-alerts-systray

Merge request reports