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[applets/icon] Handle non-Applications URLs again

In the past, this applet naively passed the URL to KRun when clicked on or something was dragged on top of it. However during porting away from KRun, it was ported to KIO::ApplicationLauncherJob, which only handles applications, not other types of URLs.

This commit fixes that by making it use KIO::OpenURLJob (which can handle applications as well as arbitrary URLs) when it's clicked on. We also short-circuit the application-specific logic when something is dragged on it and it's not an application, which allows the non-application logic to be reached.

BUG: 427797 FIXED-IN: 5.20.3


  • Create two icon applets: one for a folder; another for an application
  • Click on each
  • Drag a file onto each
  • Observe that everything works as it should
Edited by Nate Graham

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