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applets/notifications: Allow notification popups to expand in width if its contents don't fit

Arjen Hiemstra requested to merge work/ahiemstra/notificationwidth into master

This changes notification popups to treat Globals.popupWidth as a minimum width rather than a fixed width, allowing the popup's contents to expand the width if the contents won't properly fit. This mainly affects popups with actions, including the Job action.

If the popup would get so large that it no longer would fit on the screen, the action buttons are shrunk instead.

BUG: 490582


Normal Popup Screenshot_20240812_141812
Popup with Large Actions Screenshot_20240812_141158
Too large for screen Screenshot_20240812_141245
Job Popup with large actions Screenshot_20240812_141443
Edited by Arjen Hiemstra

Merge request reports