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startkde: Avoid waiting when notifying ksplash is up

David Edmundson requested to merge work/d_ed/logout_2 into master

During startup we send signals to ksplash to let it knows components are up. To avoid a previous race ksplash uses the "waitforname" trick so any calls to notify ksplash before ksplash is up wait around before being dispatched.

This unfortunately means if ksplash is disabled or explicitly closed we still hit this path and any call to ksplash will be kept alive until timeout.

This systemd service is just used to notify ksplash, we don't need to wait for a response for the service to be considered done. This can block the login process, which has the side effect of inhibiting logout too.

BUG: 357170 BUG: 492492

Edited by David Edmundson

Merge request reports
