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Reduced notification pop-up width

Riccardo Robecchi requested to merge rrobecchi/plasma-workspace:patch-1 into master

Reduced width of the notification pop-ups so that they are still larger than pre-5.19, but not as large. The size is roughly 25% larger than pre-5.19, which allows for more information to be displayed while at the same time avoiding an extremely large pop-up to be shown. 5.19 shows pop-ups that are more than 50% larger than in previous iterations (units.gridUnit * 28 instead of units.gridUnit * 18), which I deem excessively distracting. With my proposal, there is still more horizontal space to reduce vertical clutter, but not as much as to make notifications invasive and distracting. KDE_notification_size In the picture you can see the current notification size, the proposed size and the pre-5.19 size compared.

Merge request reports