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[Notifications] Use explicit launcher job instead of URL invocation

Kai Uwe Broulik requested to merge work/kbroulik/noti-open-exec into master

Allows us to run executables, e.g. downloaded installers. Also moves some of the logic to the C++ side.

It also indicates "openwith" Kiosk restriction in the UI now by hiding the button.

  • "Open with Gwenview" still shows icon and opens file in Gwenview
  • "Open with..." when having downloaded a file without associated application shows open with dialog
  • "Open with..." disappears and "More options" becoming a labeled button when openwith is restricted through Kiosk
  • "Open containing folder" still shows and works when downloading multiple files
  • Generic "Open" while mime hasn't been determined yet does a URL invocation as before
  • Notification popup hides when invoked as before

Seems Qt.openUrlExternally changed behavior at some point...

@dfaure @ngraham @ahmadsamir

Merge request reports