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Add a non-singleton version of PowerDevilSettings.kcfgc

Part of the KConfigXT & QML effort outlined in #23 (closed), technically part 4 in my MR series but like first two, this one is independently mergeable. If another MR in the series gets merged first, this commit will require a tiny amount of merge conflict resolution.

The kcmutils_generate_module_data() CMake command doesn't play well with singleton config classes. Once the global config KCM gets ported to QML, it would be nice to use this helper command. It's easy to do without the autogenerated module data class. However, after porting everything to QML, there won't be much benefit in having the singleton either.

So in preparation of a porting the global config KCM to QML, this commit switches the existing QWidgets-based KCM to use a new non-singleton version of PowerDevilSettings, aptly named PowerDevil::GlobalSettings.

Plus a minor bit of cleanup to remove includes and KConfig compilation where we don't actually use the settings class in the first place.

Edited by Jakob Petsovits

Merge request reports