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Hardcode brightness animation duration/threshold

Leaner alternative to MR !233 (closed) which was not super popular. This commit follows @nicolasfella's suggestion to drop brightness animation configurability as it's never been exposed in the UI and it's not clear that this config value was really meant to be used by anyone other than in development. (@broulik: Could you confirm?)

Compared to the aforementioned MR, config migration is left out of this MR - I'll move it to a later MR, when we actually profiles and activity behaviors actually get ported to KConfigXT.

PowerDevilSettings includes brightness animation duration and threshold settings, which are used in PowerDevilUPowerBackend. Those settings are not exposed via KCM, but could have been manually set by the user in the powerdevilrc config file.

In a later commit, we want to parameterize the global settings object and stop relying on profile generation. But the backend isn't supposed to have full knowledge of parameterization flags that's available to PowerDevil::Core.

This commit removes functionality to read the backend-specific brightness settings from the config file, and instead hardcodes the default values in PowerDevilUPowerBackend directly. This gives us flexibility to change PowerDevilSettings for sole use in PowerDevil::Core and the global config KCM later on.

Any manually added config entries will remain in powerdevilrc, so we could always decide to bring back configurability of brightness animation parameters if anyone actually misses this.

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