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  • Filip Fila's avatar
    Redesign the theme preview window · 9094e982
    Filip Fila authored and Filip Fila's avatar Filip Fila committed
    This patch:
    - makes the root element accommodate its content's dimensions so that information doesn't get cut off when using scaling or big fonts
    - matches the root element's color to that of the surrounding space
    - replaces the border around the image preview with a drop shadow
    - ports the GridLayout to ColumnLayout to make sure content doesn't get lost horizontally when using scaling or big fonts
    - ports Text elements to QQC2 Labels
    - adds the theme name as a Kirigami heading
    - constrains the labels within the layout's width, wrapping and eliding them if necessary
    - removes the hardcoding of font sizes
    - makes the email and website info clickable
    BUG: 372844
    FIXED-IN: 5.16
    Test Plan:
    Reviewers: #plasma, #vdg, ngraham, GB_2
    Reviewed By: #vdg, ngraham, GB_2
    Subscribers: mart, GB_2, mmustac, davidedmundson, abetts, rooty, plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: