QObjectPrivate::Signal: initialize all members
requested to merge asturmlechner/qtbase:asturmlechner/QObjectPrivate-Signal-init-all-members into kde/5.15
A recent change in that area triggered Clang-SA to rescan the code and
complain about this pre-existing bug: If receiver == nullptr, then the
member was never initialized.
Fix by null'ing it using NSDMI. This is a trivial type, the compiler will be able to avoid the redundant write.
Amends ab92b9e4(!).
Pick-to: 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.2 5.15 Change-Id: Ideed71f0f36d5f896fb6a4614f233757c1371ee3 Reviewed-by: David Faure david.faure@kdab.com Reviewed-by: Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne@qt.io (cherry picked from commit 40714c1d)