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Fix sweep step for tainted QObject JavaScript wrappers

Currently, whenever the garbage collector runs, it will destroy all valid tainted wrappers.

Only null or undefined wrappers will be preserved in the m_multiplyWrappedQObjects map.

It seems like "!" was overlooked in 3b5d37ce. Prior to that change, it was "!it.value()->markBit()", so calling erase() in the then branch did make sense. But with "!it.value().isNullOrUndefined()", erase() will be called for every valid wrapper, which is the opposite what we want.

Pick-to: 5.15 6.2 Change-Id: I2bf2630f538af8cbd4bfffcff29d67be6c278265 Reviewed-by: Fabian Kosmale (cherry picked from commit e6b2f88d)

BUG: 440751

Merge request reports
