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  • Dmitry Kazakov's avatar
    The initial implementation of the Colorize Mask functionality · b9fe09b2
    Dmitry Kazakov authored
    At the moment you can paint on it with a usual brush, then click
    on the "Update" property and see the filling result. A lot of things are
    still to be done:
    1) There should be a switch between "b/w mode" and "alpha mode"
    2) The eraser button doesn't work when the mask is active (though
       you can paint with the Erase composite op and remove the keystrokes
       this way)
    3) The user should be able to activate/configure prefiltering of the image
    4) The filtered image should be cached using some solution with timestamps
    5) There should be automatic mode: the mask updates automatically every time
       you change the original layer (the same timestamps)
    6) New icons needed:
        - Update (needs rename?)
        - Show Coloring
        - Show Key Strokes
        - Icon for the mask itself (and its action)
    7) The filling is extremely slow. Right now the multicut algorithm doesn't
       have the fast paths for recognizing disjoint areas without doing min-cut.
    8) At the mo...