Yaml format for config
Let's rework the format of config. Currently, the used format (ksb) is a completely custom. This is bad, as no one editor has syntax highlighting for it (except Kate, but that has its own limitation, and is constantly outdated).
The reason why I am arising this question now is that, as discussed in Matrix, some people want to stay in kdesrc-build forever, and keeping the module definitions common with kdesrc-build limits the kde-builder for a long time from moving forward (such as implementing project-based deps resolution). So, it was told that we should have separate definitions for kde-builder. And, as in this case definitions files will anyway loose the file history, this is the best time to finally change format to yaml.
I prepared the following example of the config, and the same syntax will be used in module-definitions in yaml format. Want to request comments on the format.
# RFC example yaml config
# Specify the "version" of the config syntax. For the cases when in the future some fields may change, such as some option was scalar, but then needs to be a list.
config-version: 2
# variable declaration:
_ver: 6
# _build_with_qt6: OFF
_build_with_qt6: "ON" # Better quote such value, but we could make that parsable even without quotes.
async: true
# variable usage:
branch-group: kf${_ver}-qt${_ver}
# branch-group: kf5-qt5
# branch-group: kf6-qt6
# branch-group: stable-kf5-qt5
# branch-group: stable-kf6-qt6
include-dependencies: true
source-dir: ~/kde${_ver}/src
build-dir: ~/kde${_ver}/build
install-dir: ~/kde${_ver}/usr
log-dir: ~/kde${_ver}/log
qt-install-dir: ~/kde${_ver}/usr-qt
# cmake-options - variant 1 - as a multiline string
cmake-options: >
num-cores: 10
# num-cores-low-mem auto
num-cores-low-mem: 2
cmake-generator: Ninja
install-login-session: true
# Stop the build process on the first failure
stop-on-failure: true
# stop-on-failure false
# Build with LSP support for everything that supports it
compile-commands-export: true
compile-commands-linking: true
- gpgme
- libgpg-error
# Or equivalent in one line (can be used interchangeably):
ignore-modules: [custom-qt${_ver}-libs, gpgme]
persistent-data-file: ~/kde${_ver}/persistent-options.json
generate-vscode-project-config: true
generate-clion-project-config: true
source-when-start-program: ~/kde6/qt_logging_environment.sh
# The key-value dict option
_GLO: "glo val"
PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /usr/lib/pkgconfig
QT_LOGGING_RULES: ark*=true;kf.coreaddons=false;kf.service.services=false;kf.service.sycoca=false;qt.qpa.wayland=false;kf.moretools=false;default=false
# dict
qt6-copy: https://invent.kde.org/qt/qt/
something: something/
# for now, as a string
configure-flags: "configure-flags --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-languages=cpp,qt6 --disable-gpgconf-test --disable-gpg-test --disable-gpgsm-test --disable-g13-test"
# for now, as a string
do-not-compile: one two three
# for now, as a string
make-install-prefix: "one two"
# for now, as a string
ninja-options: "-j 99"
# for now, as a string
qmake-options: "-j 99"
# for now, as a string
make-options: "-j 99"
phase-selection: # candidate for combining with filter-out-phases
- no-src
- build-only
- no-install
- no-tests
!include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf${_ver}-qt${_ver}.yaml
# Another include. Should not indicate "duplicate key error".
!include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf${_ver}-qt${_ver}_2.yaml
# Declaration of a module (i.e. it does not exist in standard module definitions)
repository: kde:sitter/crashinator.git
# Module-sets syntax. Variant 1 - with trailing "/"
repository: kde-projects
- frameworks/*
- kcalc
- dolphin
- graphics/*
- kdelibs4support
- kdewebkit
- kdesignerplugin
- kemoticons
- kxmlrpcclient
cmake-options: >
# Module-sets syntax. Variant 2 - with "< >" brackets
- one
- two
- three
- kdelibs4support
- kdewebkit
- khtml
- kjsembed
# Module-sets syntax. Variant 3 - with "( )" surrounding.
- one
- two
- three
# Replacement for "options kompare"
SomeVar: some-val
source-dir: ~/kde6/src-qt
build-dir: ~/kde6/build-qt
branch: dev
# Another way for cmake-options. As a list.
# comment in the middle of list
- -DBUILD_WITH_QT6=${_build_with_qt6}
- -DPython3_FIND_VIRTUALENV=STANDARD # comment in the end of line
branch: "1.2" # quoting to force string type.
# "+" (options) can also apply to module set (project group).
- kcalc
# Possibly, it may be a bit confusing in that if it is applying to module or module-set (the same as with options block now).
# We can optionally allow trailing slash to indicate the module-set (just for human readability):
- kcalc
Tagging people that probably are interested to discuss this: @duha @merritt @bcooksley @tcanabrava @thiagosueto @nclarius